About the Redcliffs Mt Pleasant Bowling Club
Our club has prospered during the period following the earthquakes, a period that has also seen the amalgamation of the Redcliffs and Mt Pleasant Bowling Clubs.
We now have 140 playing and 80 social members. We also have a large number of winter members from other affiliated clubs throughout Christchurch who have enjoyed playing on the artificial surfaced green over the winter months.
Our extended and renovated facilities are used by our members and by all of the various community organisations who use our club rooms for meetings, functions, fitness classes, band practice, etc.
We have two greens:
A True Draw Bowling Green for year round play on a surface that is proven to not change speed with weather conditions, shade or temperature. These greens save up to 400,000 litres of water per green per year, as they require no watering, while offering accredited superior quality in bowling with the industry's largest panels (fewer seams).
A natural green for summer games & sessions.